welcome to dr. diet therapy Diet & Nutrition Health Center

Dietitian Deepshikha a qualified , dedicated and highly reputed Nutrition expert with proven experience since 2002 offering dietary services to the patients and seekers in preventive and clinical nutrition therapies for obesity, diabetes , thyroid , heart disease , hypertension , high cholesterol , kidney problems , renal stone , liver problems, gastrointestinal disturbances,esophageal obstruction, anaemia,anosmia etc in improving their health.

Consultation Timing

24 * 7 Online


Health Online

This is unique link for complete health online.


This is mandatory to fulfil its goals.


The goals like: to eradicate the disease and as well as to stay healthy.



Emergency Cases

It does not prescribe any medications until for emergency cases.

Refresh and Healthy

It is targeted to be refresh and healthy with body and mind both.

Specific Treatment

Here you will get specific treatment regarding diseases and guidance regarding to stay healthy and you will learn how to stay happy with mind too.